
I'll come in the dark
when you least expect me
I'll rise from the shadows
you won't feel me
don't worry
there will be no pain
you won't feel a thing
just a little pinkprint
right about before 
your soul will leave your shell
to elevate in the eternity
called hell.

I'll come in the dark
though I don't want too
you kept inviting
although I warned you,
oh yes I warned you
so many times
I pleaded your mercy
I asked you not to.

You kept on going
tormenting my soul
you summoned a demon
and here I am
but still there's time enough
to let me go
I don't require a thing
just let me be
just rest in piece
before I unleash
a nightmare you won't believe
pain you cannot heal.

I'll come in the dark
when you least expect me
I'll rise from the shadows
you won't feel me
don't worry
there will be no pain
you won't feel a thing
just a little pinkprint
right about before 
your soul will leave your shell
to elevate in the eternity
called hell.

"Therefore rejoice, 
O heavens, and you who dwell in them! 
But woe to the earth and the sea; 
with great fury the devil has come down to you, 
knowing he has only a short time.” 

Revelation 12:12


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Κεφάλαιο 1: Η νεράιδα του μαγεμένου δάσους. (Δοκιμή για παραμύθι)

Μου λείπουν τα χείλη σου (Η μποκαμβίλια)
