The answer to the throne

When I was a kid,
I didn't know a thing,
about anything at all.

Strangely enough,
but as I grew,
I found myself all alone.

Everyone around me
seems to know all
leaving me in the ignorance of my own.

So I started learning
to improve, in hope
I join them in the grove.

While far away is where I go
I started pretending that I know
fearing not to be left alone.

And since the little, I would learn
would not be enough, I found it easier
to play along.

After time has passed away,
I thought I mastered knowledge
all the way.

And now I'm proud to be among,
all those who claim they own,
the answer to the throne.

What was the question?


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Κεφάλαιο 1: Η νεράιδα του μαγεμένου δάσους. (Δοκιμή για παραμύθι)

Μου λείπουν τα χείλη σου (Η μποκαμβίλια)
