
All this happens and you are asleep?

How do you do that?
How do you justify...
Not being there?
How do you live life so deprived?
How do you even survive?
How do you tell yourself of letting life pass by?

Acting like you were promised to come back.

How do you even justify?
How do you even beleive?

Life full of excuses empty of feeling field with fear...
fear of denial...
and yet you let it pass by!

So sad, so sad in fact...
for you and I
could be living side by side
the dream life you let pass by.

Come to me now...
feel me, touch me, taste me...
I am not forever,
not to be taken forgantted
I will expire;
but meanwhile...
I'll been living, briething
and in your embrace possibly dancing
what a way to die!


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Κεφάλαιο 1: Η νεράιδα του μαγεμένου δάσους. (Δοκιμή για παραμύθι)

Μου λείπουν τα χείλη σου (Η μποκαμβίλια)
